Professional Learning
ASD is “Focused on Learning” meaning that there is a vision for the entire community to see themselves as learners and on a continual journey of improvement. At ASD we offer a learning environment to which teachers respond with great motivation and energy. Our teachers are collectively and individually motivated to pursue professional development with the ultimate goal of improving the learning experience of our students. Teachers contribute to planned developments and lead wherever possible. In 2022-2023, our PD is focused on (a) developing our understanding of UbD with a specific desire to use powerful verbs (Bloom´s Taxonomy) to ensure our objectives, assessments and instruction move towards critical thinking, synthesis, and application. ASD has designated PD time every Wednesday afternoon, and a CTE day once per month.
In the Tri-Association region there are also a number of organizations that provide up-to-date training. ASD is in the process of becoming a more active member of Tri-Association, both through increased attendance and having our teachers offer submissions to present at Tri-Association. Looking ahead, ASD is exploring the option of bringing the Framingham Graduate Program to Durango; and, ASD is exploring options to initiate AP courses in the high school, and will make a commitment to training teachers.
The professional development budget supports individual continuation of professional development for staff and there is a commitment to expand our PD so that we attract great teachers to Durango.
The continuing professional development opportunities provided by and supported by the school help our teachers to grow professionally at ASD. We desire to make a commitment for PD to both our local and foreign hire teachers. If, or when, they move on to new posts they take with them enhanced skills and a wealth of experience.